Description: Great architectonical and religious value is given to the Convent of Madre Petra. Today the most modern part has been converted into the Residence for the elderly Madre Petra, perfectly adapted to the necessities of the elderly. The building as a whole is erected over the house of Madre Petra – Ana José Pérez Florido – illustrious daughter of Valle de Abdalajís and founder of the “Order for Unprotected Mothers and St. Joseph of the Mountain”, Congregación de Madres Desamparados y San José de la Montaña. The older part of the building, including all the living quarters and belongings, is perfectly preserved. This religious house was founded in 1917, by Mother Trinidad de San José – Rafaela Conejo Muñoz – at that time Mother Superior of the Order.
Location: Calle Madre Petra